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  Please sign Hanna's guest book
& leave your memories of this lady
Hanna Daniels
1903 - 1986
Taken in 1977 Photo by Rich Currilla
I wasn't lucky enough to work an entire summer with Hannah Daniels. but she did fill in during the summers that I spent at Alamo Village. Enough so that I got to know and love this woman very much.

   Hannah was a Seminole Indian, and she talked often of that heritage. She was also one of the all time favorite cooks at A.V. and the ONLY person I knew of that wasn't afraid to tell Happy Shahan "How it was going to BE"... (smile)

I am hoping that all of you will tell a special story about Miss Hannah that will honor her memory and her time spent with us during her many summers working at the Village. 
  You can do this on the guest book. 
Hanna passed away about 10 years before Happy died, she did so on his birthday, just as she always told him she would.

Here are my stories:

It was right before labor day my first year at the Village, I was of course out of money... $350.00 per month doesn't go that far when you have a $150.00 dollar car payment every month. 
  That labor day week Hannah was peeling a lot of potatoes for the potatoes salad to be served on labor day, I asked her for some of the peelings. She said, "Child, what are you going to do with them?"... I told her "I am out of money to eat on so I am going to fry them up like chips for my dinner". She blew a gasket and said, "No way any child is going to go hungry while Hannah is around". So she snuck me a tortilla with a big hunk of brisket in it. 
     I hid in the corner and ate it so no one would see. I was so worried that someone would catch me and I would be in trouble for stealing. But I have to tell you, that was the BEST snack I have ever had. (Sorry Virginia, I guess I owe ya one)... hehe

  P.S. Virginia ( besides the over flow of milkshakes that we all accidentally made, that was the only time I ate with out paying.)

That same week while drying the dishes I dropped one and it broke in half. I said, "OH GREAT!!! That is JUST what I need". She ask me why I was so upset about breaking a dish, and I told her, that Happy charged us $5.00 dollars for every dish we broke. She then picked  that dish off the floor and SLAMMED it down there again as hard as she could. It busted in a million pieces. Then she looked at me and said. "Now if anyone asks you who broke that dish you tell them Hannah did. I'd like to see Happy Shahan try to make ME pay for it!" Then she said. "Child get a broom and clean that mess up". Which I did, right after I gave her a great big ole hug.
Hannah Daniels